Monday, July 30, 2012

You mean, I have to...WORK?!

Let me guess. You finally got a raise after over a year and your only got 15 cents. Or you're too bombarded with things to do in your regular work day, you just don't have time to do it all. My guess is, too, that your responsibilities have increased since you started your position in your job. I bet the guy or girl who sits next to you slacks off and doesn't get as much work done as you and still gets paid the same. Remember that time when you went above and beyond and didn't get recognized for it?  Yeah, me either.  I bet you went back to the same old, same old when you realized your squat reward didn't pan out. How about the fact that you saw the house of your boss, boss's boss or CEO of the company and thought, "Must be nice to live like that on the work that I put in for you."

Here's the thing.  We all have to work, in some form or fashion.  Whether it be the nine to five, swing shift, self-scheduled, stay at home parent or volunteer, we have to give something to get something.  Me personally?  I prefer to get the most I can, so I work to the best of my abilities.  Well, that's not totally true.  If I wanted more, I could have more.  But truth is, I'm actually quite content with what I have and working at the current pace I have set for myself.  If I push myself real hard, sometimes I can focus enough to do better than my average.  And you better believe I get the rewards.  When I choose to...of course.

Our American country is full of complainers.  There, I said it!  Don't worry, though.  It's probably not your fault.  We listen, learn, succeed, flourish and even fail in the arms of those we're closest to.  Parents, bosses, friends, pastors, and even kids, show us how to act on a daily basis.  Now, I do understand that a young child, and even a young adult into their twenties, needs time to experience and figure out what's right and wrong.  But come on people.  There's a time shortly thereafter where we need to take responsibility for ourselves for the rest of our existance.  Who says we're the golden child anymore that gets whatever they want?  Oh, and speaking of children getting whatever they want, good luck with that in the future if you're responsible for them.

Remember the time when you signed up for your job?  You wanted to, and I know for a fact that you were excited about it.  Who isn't?  A job or responsibility means wealth and rewards.  But all too often we lose sight and begin to demand.  If that's you, quit!  No one says you have to do what you're doing.  YOU signed up.  YOU can back down.  Of course, if you back down entirely, you'll be in a world of hurt and struggle and be worse off than you are now.  Plan and WORK for what you want.

My advise to you, quit complaining!  You're only wasting time.  Not to mention, you're wasting everyone else's time.  If you have a problem, create a solution.  I've been fortunate to be on both ends of the working spectrum.  For crying out loud, I supervised 26 women and 1 male at the same time...hmmm...guess which one was my favorite??  Yep.  The one who didn't complain. 

Truth is, your boss is busy and doesn't have time for babysitting crap.  If you're around 23 years old, or older, and are creating grief to your boss at work, shame on you.  Grow up.  I can promise you your boss already knows where the problems exist.  It's not like they're stupid.  They were put in their position for a reason.  Quite honestly, your boss needs YOUR support instead of the other way around.  Come in and do the job you signed up for.  I bet you anything, if each and every person your boss had to "supervise" really didn't need any supervision, they may actually have time to assist each of you as part of the TEAM instead of taking complaints.  They already get complaints from top down. 

Hear this too, it's not your boss's fault.  Probably not even your boss's boss's fault.  The requests and demands come from the top.  I guarentee your complaints don't even get past round one.  If we all just do the best we can, the numbers, dollars, successes and failures will be noticed at some point.  You have nothing to worry about if you can justify everything you do with a good answer.

Now let's get to work!

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